End of Shift Paperwork is a Thing of the Past

Created by Elizabeth Delaney - Published February 19, 2018


The manual process of filling out truck load tally sheets is unnecessary and problematic. The steps involve in  manually recording load tallies are - paperwork

  1. Operators manually record load tallies during the shift.
  2. Operators hand truck load tally sheets to Supervisors at the end of the shift.
  3. Supervisors check and summarise shift totals then hand to admin.


As the old adage goes, 'too many cooks spoil the broth.' This lesson can be applied to the handling of truck load tally sheets or any process which involves data passing through multiple sets of hands. The manual 'data chain process' is neither accurate nor efficient. Operators do not always accurately record their load tally's. On the occasion when an operator has not directly recorded the information during their shift, they will compare with their peers and estimate that they achieved the same result.

This inaccurate data is then handed to the supervisor who then hands it to admin personnel to be manually entered in a database. Needless to say that the manual process of computing hundreds of figures a day results in human error.

This process leaves sites with data that is inaccurate and meaningless for inciting positive changes.



Mine4D Production enables real-time production decision making by monitoring and recording each step of the haul truck load cycle (Loading, Travel Loaded, Dumping, Travel Empty, Stopped, and Queued). This data is sent via the Nexis network to the iVolve server for real-time access by site personnel as well as for informal and scheduled reporting purposes.


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 Production Dashboard & Operator Screen




Eliminate Paperwork.


Free up personnel for critical tasks.


Accurate data every shift.



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