Production Management solutions assist our mining clients reach and exceed production targets through the use of sophisticated yet simple tools to increase equipment utilisation.
Excavator and haul truck operations are an integral part of open pit mining, and high production demands coupled with minimal downtime are a major focus in this environment.
Excavators and haul trucks are key tools for transforming raw material into product on a mine site. As a result, poor machine utilisation has a direct impact on mine production. Equally, continuous truck overloads by excavator operators result in higher truck maintenance costs, early tyre failures and an increase in the number of rejected loads. These effects can result in significant production losses and a substantial increase in maintenance costs over time and can also impact negatively on machine availability.
iVolve Mine4D Production enables real-time decision making in two ways: by providing real-time feedback to operators in-cab; and by monitoring and recording in real-time all parameters of the haul truck load cycle. This data is sent over the Nexis network to the iVolve Server for real-time access by site personnel as well as for ad-hoc and scheduled reporting purposes.
Production provides a real-time snapshot across the entire site production fleet with user-friendly graphic visualisation tools, which aides dispatch personnel and shift managers make timely decisions.
Load data is collected from the haul truck’s on-board strut sensors. Tonnage/BCM data is rechecked as the haul truck moves off via the second gear rear-weigh, and is retransmitted to the excavator to ensure the operator receives the most correct payload value. This is then transmitted in real-time via the Nexis™ network to the site iVolve Server™ for immediate access by site management as well as informal and scheduled production reporting purposes. Also recorded are any delay, activity and material type codes.
Production data is viewable back in the office/headquarters via iReport dashboards and reports and also via the map based iControl interface.Hit your Production targets with enhanced knowledge from loading units. iVolve Mine4D Load takes Mine4D Production to the next level by recording weights directly from your excavators. Record loader load cycles and passes, as well as production’s truck load cycles, enabling more accurate production reporting and enhanced loader efficiency. Load cycles, loader load pass weight, and count are recorded and visualised in the production dashboard allowing for greater insight into operations and circuit planning.
Load further enhances your loader weighing system experience by sending through truck identification information from our Production module. Load currently supports Titan and Liebherr integration.