Mapping Heavy Industry’s Digital Opportunities

Created by Elizabeth Delaney - Published November 8, 2018

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Via McKinsey & Company

'Supporting an organisation’s human workforce with new digital tools can deliver tremendous value in the long term. Digital approaches in this area can include tools to accelerate and simplify planning, scheduling, and permitting activities, boosting workforce productivity while providing significant health and safety benefits. Workers can also benefit from real-time access to documentation, decision-support, and troubleshooting tools. And the flow of information runs both ways: when staff record their activities and observations in digital form, that data can be stored and analyzed as an additional source of insights for future improvements—the base for the next wave of data analytics.'


A Digital Vision

Heavy industrial manufacturers won’t be able to grab the available digital value in one hit. The scale and complexity of their assets means they will need to apply new digital tools and approaches at multiple places across their operations.

iVolve Mine4D solution extracts, records and presents crucial operational data for the monitoring and management of a mining fleet. This enables all levels of the mining operation to have the knowledge to support smart decisions and digital value across all operations.


Read the full article by McKinsey & Company 'Mapping Heavy Industry's Digital-Manufacturing Opportunities'


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